MaryScott (that’s a capital S with no space and no Queen of anything, but how original of you to suggest it) is still, at this writing, in possession of her head, at least physically. Whether continued affiliation with the Lager Rhythms will afflict this adhesion remains to be seen, meanwhile, she’s wondering where she put her glasses.
A boomer/ang Houstonian of the Intraloop tribe, Emess has sung proudly in several architecturally significant buildings that no longer exist. She’s also practiced architecture, but not significantly, and continues to practice teaching, yoga, art, meditation and The Craft of the Alto (Benedetto method). A Wellesley-trained windmill tilter from way back, MaryScott fights good fights on behalf of: civil liberties in Texas, women’s history and scholarship at the University of Houston, and creative writing in classrooms everywhere. At home with her adorable architect husband, two teenage daughters and a teeming village of exchange students, long-term house guests and itinerant folk musicians, she tries very hard to keep her mouth shut — unless there just happens to be a microphone.
MaryScott anticipates a long, bright future with the Lager Rhythms since she owns (most of) the sound system.
Current Members
Sopranos: Leisa McCord, Tabby Worthington
Altos: Elizabeth Benedetto, MaryScott Hagle
Tenors: Angelo Benedetto, Ladd Daniel
Basses: Reed Macomber, Danny Bothwell