Elizabeth Elias Benedetto spent her formative years in a part of South Florida known colloquially as “the town Elizabeth Elias is from.” There, she was trained in materials engineering and advanced musical techniques by a variety of Italian opera singers and Alsatian war criminals (respectively).
Elizabeth matriculated at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute until they caught her at it, whereupon she fled to Midland, Michigan, with the specific intent of avoiding any contact with a university. She promptly married Angelo Benedetto, an aspiring actor cum Physical Chemist, in a romantic ceremony at the Midland Traffic Court offices, followed by a breathtaking honeymoon at her desk at Dow Chemical Co., much to the consternation of her co-workers.
When Dow collapsed in the wake of the Whitewater scandal, Elizabeth found new job insecurity in the Reliability organization of Hewlett Packard, where her job consists of traveling to exotic parts of the world, usually getting food poisoning in the process, and avoiding the myriad of offers of “good times” at the karaoke bar. Eighteen years of formal schooling has really paid off for our mahogany-tressed alto goddess!
Elizabeth has sung everything from classical to pop to bawdy songs. Her voice covers a range from mezzo-soprano to tenor. She has performed in concert halls, pubs and outdoor festivals. In other words, she is a total flake who can’t make up her mind about anything.
Current Members
Sopranos: Leisa McCord, Tabby Worthington
Altos: Elizabeth Benedetto, MaryScott Hagle
Tenors: Angelo Benedetto, Ladd Daniel
Basses: Reed Macomber, Danny Bothwell